Coaching Communities

Get Thriving NOW!

Humans aren’t meant to be alone. We need connection to thrive.

Joining a GET Thriving coaching communities are a great way to accelerate your personal development. By having compassion for ourselves (and others), we can tell ourselves a more empowering story, release resentment and regret, and find forgiveness. Together we can end the cycles of self-abandonment and self-sabotage.

Through self-care, we can practice self-control, build self-esteem, and create a life filled with fun, fulfillment and adventure.

Corner Guy Collective

Find other men on the journey of self-discovery, ready to stand in your corner, becoming cycle breakers together.

Burnout Recovery Program

Working in the trades, we don’t always get credit we deserve for keeping the world running. We’re the ones up before dawn, often dealing with difficult situations and customers. Our TOUGHNESS can lead to burnout – or even suicide when not addressed.

REIGNITE is a practical burnout recovery program that even the most rugged employees can embrace.

thriving men

This 8-week small group bootcamp intensive is designed for guys ready to go deep into personal development. If you’re ready to master your mindset and find healthier coping mechanisms to overcome the adversity in your life, THRIVING MEN is the right program for you.

Life coaching

We get it. Not everyone is ready to share their problems with a group. Glenn & Adrianne also offer private life coaching sessions to help you deal with life’s difficulties.