Ready to GET Thriving?

Cycle Breakers,
Change Makers,
and Rebel Warriors

If life has been rough on you, it is time to RISE UP, face the storm, and make a positive impact in this world.

Do you feel the call?

Community is the cure. GET Thriving is where we get to grow and evolve together.


We are determined to not let our pasts dictate our futures!
We will leave a positive and indelible mark on the world.
We create and enforce the safety of others by becoming safe within ourselves.
We get to have fun, play in the magic, and make our own music and art.
We are committed to living a full fuck yes life.
We hold each other accountable to the standards they’ve set for themselves so everyone gets to WIN.

What’s keeping YOU stuck?

You tell yourself you’re doing OK.

Of course, you can always point to someone who is “way worse off” than you – or tell yourself how much better you’re doing now than you were before. But if you’re unhappy or unfulfilled, you deserve better. Don’t settle for OK. 

You already know what you need to do.

But you’re not DOING the work… Your excuses may be valid – but they’re also keeping you stuck. Our program has been tested by 500,000 participants. Group accountability increases your odds of success by 500%. 

You’re trying everything BUT mental fitness.

You think you things will get better once you… lose 20 lbs, stop drinking, get that promotion, find that relationship, etc. In reality, once you feel better about yourself and can stop the rumination and distraction, your goals become more attainable.

Radical Resilience

We coined the term “Radical Resilience” as a way to differentiate what it takes to break free from chronic stress. 

Resilience is the ability to push through a difficult situation – like enduring cold weather. RADICAL RESILIENCE is the ability to have the resources and fortitude for the long-term, like learning to live in cold weather – and maybe even LOVE IT. 

RADICAL RESILIENCE can also mean being strong enough to break unhealthy patterns and to leave situations that no longer serve you.

GET Thriving teaches you how to build RADICAL RESILIENCE for yourself, your team, or your organization so you can accomplish your goals without burning out.

It’s no secret that the last few years have been a dumpster fire. But on top of the nonstop negative news, nearly everyone has unresolved trauma and unseen stressors that impact our behaviors and attitudes. 

Many of us grew up in stressful conditions, without much guidance, love or support from the adults in our lives. As a result, we developed survival strategies like people pleasing or controlling or hypervigilience.

Over time, these strengths became overused, and are now preventing us from living authentically and connecting deeply with others.

However, by becoming intentional about taking care of ourselves, we can learn to manage our self-talk and responses to life challenges, so we no longer outsource our well-being.

Mental health has become a crisis, with experts predicting the cost to rise to $6 TRILLION globally by 2030, nearly doubling since 2010. 

Organizations need to figure out sustainable strategies to deal with:

  • Not being able to find or retain good workers
  • Having employees burn out or break down
  • Lower productivity and higher absentee rates 
  • Rising health care costs due to stress-related ailments  
  • Increased workplace conflict 
  • How to overcome the reluctance, inaccessibility and high costs of traditional mental health resources 

We believe GET Thriving at Work is an approachable, affordable program for any company who wants to support the well-being of its employees. 

Our 8-week GET Thriving programs require only a couple of hours of commitment per week, but deliver lasting results, like: 

  • Better relationships at home and at work,
  • Improved communication and leadership skills,
  • Boosted mental and physical health,
  • Increased confidence, and 
  • Greater achievement of personal and professional goals. 

Participants use a self-guided app to go through daily coach challenges and get to build their mental fitness muscles in 2-5 minute reps. Each week, participants will join group coaching sessions to get practical advice that pertains to their current situation. 

When we’re overwhelmed and stressed, hidden anger and resentment leak out on those around us. We become aggravated about situations we can’t control – like traffic or an annoying coworker.

Sadly, we’ll often give the best versions of ourselves to strangers, inadvertently harming those we value most – especially ourselves. Guilt can make us want to escape and numb out, which only adds to the problem. 

Stress lives in both the mind and body. Experts are seeing an increase in mental health issues, like depression, anxiety, lack of focus and substance abuse problems. 

Stress also leads to physical health problems like heart disease, obesity, cancer and autoimmune conditions.

Rather than delving into people’s personal lives and pasts, GET Thriving helps people gain mastery of their NOW. 

Plus, Glenn and Adrianne are examples of ‘doing the work’. Both have overcome significant personal and professional challenges, so their stories are impactful.

On top of providing powerful insight and inspiration, we provide a framework for creating and sustaining mental fitness strength.

Our programs are 15% insight and 85% application. Just like physical fitness, building mental fitness takes consistent effort to build those mental muscles.