Re-calibrate, re-tool, and

Beat stress & burnout in 12 weeks

“What such a man needs is not courage but nerve control, cool headedness.
This he can get only by practice.”
-Theodore Roosevelt 

Our stress management training programs build a positive culture

  • Hire and retain good employees
  • Teach employees how to mentally reset faster
  • Address the root causes of health problems and realtionship conflicts
  • Take an upstream appraoch to suicide and substance abuse prevention

Continually pushing past pain and discomfort comes with a cost. It’s like ignoring the engine light instead of going in for maintenance.

Glenn Evans


I’m Coach Glenn Evans, a 20- year veteran of the HVAC industry and co-founder of GET Thriving.

A few years ago, people would assume I was LIVING THE DREAM.

I was a top performer at work (achieving my sales goals, travelling the world.) I had a beautiful family, a comfortable house, and a dependable truck – far more than I ever could have dreamed possible.

In reality, I was dead inside.

Burned out at work. On the brink of divorce. Physically miserable. I weighed over 300 pounds when I stopped looking at the scale. I was always on the go. Overworking. Overeating. Overdrinking. I tried so many “self-improvement” programs but NOTHING STUCK.

I was running out of hope and running of time.

I built our REIGNITE Burnout Recovery Program for “people like us” who want REAL RELIEF.

Less talk. More action.

  • Exercises only take 2-5 minutes
  • Audio coaching can be listened to in the truck
  • The training is focused on retraining our nervous systems with sound and movement. It’s 85% doing and 15% learning.

By implementing and integrating the lessons from Positive Intelligence, I have changed my entire life.

I’m proud of losing over 80 pounds, but the BIGGEST result was the RELIEF from constant negative thoughts in my head, beating me up for all I’ve done or failed to do. I finally feel CALM and CONFIDENT most of the time – even when things go wrong.

For employees

For employers

PQ for Trades Teams

GET Thriving uses promotes MENTAL FITNESS to train people how to thrive in high-pressure environments.

Using small daily 2-minute exercises, you train your brain to respond to challenges with a more positive mindset:

  • Reducing stress and burnout
  • Increasing emotional intelligence and self-regulation
  • Enhancing communication
  • Building stronger leaders
  • Improving customer, partner, and employee relationships

One tool delivers personal & professional results

Positive Intelligence makes personal development accessible to EVERYONE. From the workers in the warehouse to the service techs in their trucks to the front office staff, your organization will experience, permanant positive changes across the board!

PLUS – we can make Positive Intelligence available to family members as well!

PQ Training Results

How Each Role Benefits from Mental Fitness

Working in the trades, we don’t always get credit we deserve for keeping the world running. We’re the ones up before dawn, sometimes dealing with impossible situations and customers. We’re TOUGH.
Unfortunately, that TOUGHNESS is part of the problem. It’s literally killing us. Not just in our high suicide rates, but also stress-related diseases and stress-related accidents.

Positive Intelligence is an employee wellness solution that appeals to trades workers

REIGNITE differs from other employee wellness programs because it’s so practical. Instead of “talking about your feelings,” we use neuroscience to reconnect your mind and body so you can adopt healthier coping mechanisms when stressed out.
  • Proven to deliver results
  • Cost-effective
  • Fits easily into the workday
  • Confidential – doesn’t require oversharing of personal life with colleagues
Boost Performance with PQ

Burnt out sales reps aren’t as enthusiastic, don’t make as many calls, and can struggle to bounce back from difficult conversations. By addressing the root cause of sales self-sabotaging behaviors, mental fitness can increase sales performance to create sustainable results. Imagine if your sales team had the confidence, resilience and perseverance to build strong relationships and exceed sales goals.  

Leaders burn out by living in firefighter mode, always being the one to manage difficult situations and find resources to fill the jobs.

Our mental fitness tools give employees the tools to manage their own well-being, reduces workplace conflict, and increases company morale. When your company is a great place to work, recruiting, managing and retaining employees becomes significantly easier.

Engineers are regularly in the hot seat, trying to bring ideas to life. They often work under tight deadlines and face unexpected hurdles.

Mental fitness skills can help engineers stay innovative in high pressure situations.

When service techs are struggling and under pressure, they can show up with an attitude, causing conflicts that can cost you your reputation. They are also more likely to make mistakes, which can cause safety incidents on a job site – or cost you time and money to rework.

By practicing mental fitness with REIGNITE, techs can take a 2-5 minute break in their truck to gather their thoughts, and walk in with confidence and fresh ideas about how to solve the customer’s issue.

HR reps know that their EAP programs are rarely used – even when employees need help.

Because it’s so practical and easy, REIGNITE is a great solution for employees who are normally “self-help resistent”, but need better ways manage the stress in their lives. 

Power Your Potential with Mental Fitness

Sales, Service, & Leadership

Employee Stress & Safety

Customer, Employee & Vendor Relationships

Positive Intelligence has boosted Mental Fitness and generated spectacular results for employees of hundreds of organizations.

Lifelong Applications

Positive Intelligence ensures continued growth through a variety of work and life applications delivered monthly

Stress Management

Learn how your Saboteurs generate your stress, and how to overcome their impact.


How to challenge outmoded Saboteur-led assumptions about how to lead.

Sales Skills

Learn how to strengthen influence and persuasion skills by utilizing Sage powers.


Learn how to apply PQ to sleep better, overcome fear, and improve your health.

Job Performance

Learn how to use mental & emotional energy more effectively for any role.

Relationship Mastery

Learn how to use PQ to strengthen your relationships and communicate clearly.

Glenn & Adrianne

Our industry needs change

Change begins with us. We work hard – and DESERVE to love our jobs and love our lives. Instead, employees are literally dying, and the major conference hot topic is “suicide prevention” – that is FAR too late. We are passionate about advocating for the trades. Book a call with us to talk about:

  • REIGNITE Burnout Recovery group coaching
  • Hosting Stress-Reduction Workshops
  • Private Coaching Programs