About Us


Our goal with GET Thriving is to find our fellow cycle breakers, so we can experience more love, fun, fulfillment and adventure in this journey of life. We want to get to know YOU. Who are you? Where are you on your journey? Why do you want your life to improve?

We want to create a revolution by uniting courageous change makers and cycle breakers who want to create a better life for ourselves, our communities, and the world around us. We can do this by living intentionally, bringing love and consciousness to all we do. 

We can’t change our pasts. We can’t always change present conditions. But at every moment, we have an opportunity to create a new future. Letting our old stories die takes courage. And community. Come explore bold vulnerability and radical acceptance with us. We are here to hold a space of safety and love for all who enter here. 

GET Thriving Core Beliefs


You deserve compassion.

Especially from yourself! Honor your strengths and resilience. Now it’s time to become radically self-loving so you can quiet that inner bully.


Only you can rescue you.

Stop fighting for your limitations and why you can’t have the life and love you want. Thriving starts when you decide to change.


Start small. Dream big.

You are in control of your thoughts, your actions, and your destiny. Small daily actions can profoundly change the trajectory of your life.


Coach Glenn Evans
coach glenn evans
coach adrianne machina


Coach Adrianne Machina

Welcome fellow Thrivers! We’re glad to have you here.

Glenn Evans came up with idea for GET Thriving, and through a series of improbable events, teamed up with Adrianne Machina to bring this community to life. We became our own first clients, assembling the tools that made a difference in our lives. Tired of traditional recovery groups, and not finding a community that fit our needs, we decided to build one. Our company is woman and minority (native Alaskan) owned.